I don’t know where I ran across the “Swineapple” recipe, but it got posted to Reddit not too long ago and immediately went semi-viral.

From a cursory search, it seems to have been around at least since 2008. Sadly, I sent it to Dude who, you guessed it, wanted me to make it. In his defense, I am a good cook (but not a good photographer, as you will see) and it’s his Father’s Day present.
After a few false starts long ago, I decided that the first time I did a recipe, I was going to follow the directions exactly. Everyone who knows me knows I have worked a miracle through God’s grace by following the directions exactly.
My first problem was that the Historic Lynchburg Tennessee Whiskey Swineapple Rib Glaze and Dippin’ Sauce called for in the recipe (the one Dude wanted) was not available in my stores and after shipping, upwards of $20 per. Er, no. Especially not when he luuuuurrrrves KC Masterpiece (which, I will have you know, is ketchup and molasses with a ton of brown sugar just to give you diabeeeedus) (please, please don’t judge us on KC Masterpiece). I had to talk him into letting me use KC Masterpiece because I didn’t think he’d appreciate a substitution of Gates or, heaven forbid, Bryant’s.
Then it took me a long time to figure out that what the recipe called “boneless pork ribs” were called “country-style ribs” here.
The recipe I used (where I found out about the “country-style ribs”) said to rub them before stuffing them in the hole (so so so so tempted to say it…). So I had to figure out what rub would “go” with KC Masterpiece other than straight brown sugar with a little cayenne pepper thrown in to make it legitimate.
Lastly, I have also not had great success in slow roasting things (no I don’t have a smoker) (yes, I do live in Kansas City) (yes, I know I have committed a capital crime and have provided evidence for my execution), so I’ve been apprehensive about this project.
But I have girded up my loins.
Today, I rub. Tomorrow, I roast. Wish me luck.
country-style ribs
many squirts of extra-virgin olive oil
1 tbsp liquid smoke
KC Masterpiece rub
Pingback: Father’s Day Swineapple Phase 2 |
Dude is waiting and drooling
I’ve been wanting to make this for years! I hope it turns out with the kc masterpiece; it’s my fav too.
Sadly, the swineapple did not turn out well (it was in 2015). it wasn’t horrible. But it wasn’t good. Dude is the only one that considered it edible.
oops mistyped. It was good, but not great. I did like it, but not as much as I hoped.