Get a professional editor.
No excuse.
I don’t care how good your beta readers and critique partners are.
I don’t care if you’re a traditionally published midlist author going out on your own.
Get a professional editor.
You want to self-publish? Put in the time and the effort and the money, just like a big publisher would. This is a business and you are creating a product to sell to people. Give them a good product.
That product begins with a professional editor.
What she said.
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I was highly disappointed to not see “The first rule of self-publishing is, you do not talk about self-publishing.”
But yes. So very true.
Heee! That’s what I WANTED you to expect.
Exactly! Now where can I find a good one?
His name is Eric Jepson: thmazing [at] gmail [dot] com. Seriously.
I don’t know if I’d insist it’s the first rule but please, please, please it definately belongs in the top three!
Dude wonders if the 2nd rule is …Have a sense of humor.
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