…is DIANA!
The five runners up are
Traci Kenworth
Rachel T
Ju Dimello
Gian Faye
who will receive all the ebooks in a bundle as soon as I gather your email addresses together.
There were 37 entries total, counting each link or citation as a separate entry, and each link is very much appreciated. Thanks to all who participated and helped get the word out!
That was kinda fun. Maybe I’ll do some more contests…
Dude also congratulates so Diana doesn’t go all stabby!
Woohoo Congrats to the winners.
Congrats to all! Now, if you don’t see me for the next week…… you will know where I am
OMG wowee woo hoo! Thank you! xoxo
I’ll be doing my Pointer Sisters “I’m So Excited” happy dance all day. Can’t wait to read Magdalene!