I like them on my wall
I like them in my hand
(I like them in the bathroom)
I like them on my H: drive
I like them in the car
I like them in a queue
I like them on my laptop
I like them on a shelf
I like them on my keychain
I like them in a library
I like them in English
I like them in bed
I like them on my netbook
I’d like them on a slate, but they’re too heavy.
What is a “real” book, anyway?
“Real” book. As if reading words and being entertained and/or instructed isn’t the point of the damn thing.
You know they love you back and wonder where they can get the scent Moriah in a spray can.
Scent Moriah is actually Amarige de Givenchy… 😉
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We’re simply in a paradigm change time and have to live through it (at least in the technological world). I wonder what the papyrus or wax tablet people said about paper, or the handwritten book people said about the printing press ^^.
You are so right, Estara. I was just highly irritated at only the 1,482th time I’d heard that.
This week.
For a similar purpose I have designed and bought a stamp that goes into every student’s exercise book who falls under that irritating re-occurring excuse for not having his stuff prepared for school.
Make a stamp for that (or alternatively a .gif, etc.) and paste it into every comment thread where you get the irritation served.
This tactic has helped keep me sane and non-murderous.
Excellent idea! Thanks!!!