The “end of the week” means Wednesday evening, 7 days hence.
Please see The Rules.
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Fairground (Simply Red)”]
Never underestimate the commercial value of mental illness.
The “end of the week” means Wednesday evening, 7 days hence.
Please see The Rules.
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Fairground (Simply Red)”]
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Here’s my entry! A short story I titled ‘Fairground’ (how original).
Love the song.
Thank you so much!!
Dude liked it Artistikem
Okay…I am stumped this week. I got nothing. I hear that song and alI can think is thank god disco is dead. Ooohhh! Wait! I will be back shortly with a post.
Okay I lied. I got nothing. Sigh.
Thanks Dude! Glad you liked it.
It was fun.
Okay, I have my piece posted.
Dude enjoyed yours, too Babette.
finally, here it is.
lenox’s first public showing.
thanks, moriah, for this opportunity to re-emerge.
Dude thinks Magdalene is a wonderful story.
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