UPDATE: “End of the week” means Wednesday evening, April 7.
On the Ides of March, Mind on Fire blogger John Remy (@johnremy) orchestrated a project wherein artistic types were given a prompt to create something based on the prompt (in this case a randomly drawn Tarot card). It could be anything.
I couldn’t participate, as it was short notice and I didn’t have time, but I’ve been building the playlists for my books and it got me thinking about how much I depend on music to inspire my writing, keep me enthusiastic, pump me with adrenaline, and pretty much feed my subconscious what it needs to do my job for me.
So now I’m totally ripping him off and putting a different spin on it: music. I’ll post one track every week for the next three or four weeks (as long as people are interested), and see what you come up with. With John’s permission, I’m going to copy and paste his rules:
1) Each week, starting Thursday, April 1 (April Fool’s Day!), I will post a track that played a significant role in my books.
2) Use the track as a spark for some kind of creative activity. It can be a sketch, a paragraph from your novel, a tweet, a photo, an interpretive dance, a poem, a political blog post, a video. The activity can even change from week to week. The only requirements are that:
a) you leave some element of the project undetermined until you hear the track, and
b) the final creation has to be done by the end of the week, and
c) it has to be linkable.
3) I will then post links to everything everyone created by the time I post the next track the next week.
4) The Twitter hashtag will be #mojogce if you care to keep track that way.
I have a cross-section of readers from the Mormon lit crowd, genre romance, and independent authors of all variables. I’m curious what that intersection can produce and anyone can play, even if you don’t think you’re creative (and you would be wrong anyway).
I’ll be drawing from these playlists: The Proviso, Stay, and Magdalene.
Have fun!