I love utilities. Love loveFLOVE me some utilities. I have utilities for every single damned thing I ever did and do, and some are already built into Windows. I even have a utility to make whatever latest Windows OS look like XP. Yes, really. You will find that some of these are quite primitive and/or aren’t developed anymore. I. Do. Not. Care. They do what I want and when what I want to do is something I can’t do, I go looking for more utilities. No, I don’t want one program with all the bells and whistles. I want one program that does one task well. Read more →
But the truth is that I am just really tired. Perhaps the vacuum in affect attested to by the accumulation of emoticons and emojis has little to do with the flattening effect of digital communication. Maybe feelings are simply exhausted.
For those of you who’ve read The Proviso, you know that a company gets restructured. I had some certain goals with the re-edit of it. One of the things my characters did was to block email at the server level between the hours of 6pm and 9am and on the weekends. (No, I didn’t know about the French ban on email when I rewrote the section.) I don’t really know if that would help, to be honest.
I’m a productive person, but I have to be in the zone. Email bites, but it’s the sole source of my income, so I can’t flake on it. When I have to do email, I do it all in one shot (hopefully all on the same day). The real problem is with followup …
I did not get a DoJ subpoena, but I did comment in the original thread and many gold-plated bricks were shat. So I’ve been paying more attention to the fine print of the legalities (which really helps soothe those I-shoulda-gone-to-law-school meltdowns because it’s dizzying), and I’m emotionally invested in it.
The original post that got the “Woodchipper 6” (as the Reason commentariate now calls them), was about the Dread Pirate Roberts/Silk Road decision, handed down by Justice Katherine Forrest, who has such a raging hateboner for him that she sentenced him to life in prison, which was more than the prosecutors asked for. Judge Forrest:
“The stated purpose [of the Silk Road] was to be beyond the law. In the world you created over time, democracy didn’t exist. You were captain of the ship, the Dread Pirate Roberts,” she told Ulbricht as she read the sentence, referring to his pseudonym as the Silk Road’s leader. “Silk Road’s birth and presence asserted that its…creator was better than the laws of this country. This is deeply troubling, terribly misguided, and very dangerous.”
I really hate it when my kid gets uppity, but he’s 9, and I’m trying to teach him there is a time and a place and a compelling purpose for uppitiness. Random uppitiness serves no purpose. This kid was far from random and I feel for him.